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How to Control the Mind(Everything)? Survival Reaction - Part:2

The Primitive Reaction

Evolution of living creatures is an exorbitantly slow process. First humans had way bigger bodies than today's humans since surviving in the woods requires so much more strength and endurance. Furthermore, absence of a government is apparently a way of shaping a system of uncontrolled anarchy where only the powerful is able to establish their own sense of universal laws. Which easily leads human minds to a need for a fight-flight response that works automatically. This primitive reaction called survival reaction is as necessary as it is destructive as mentioned in the first part. But being able to control such a thing might sound way more optimistic since the countless benefits arrive with it.

Having control over the survival reaction is going to manage:

Better Sleep Quality -> "How to Sleep Better? Stress and Anxiety"

Increased Metabolism -> "How to Burn Fat Fast? Metabolism"

Increased Testosterone -> "How to Boost Testosterone Levels? Cortisol"

Additionally, the ability of staying calm under tough conditions, awareness, productivity will increase; battle with addictions will become easier; ego, fear and depression will be banished; happiness hormones endorphin and serotonin, motivation hormone dopamine and as mentioned confidence hormone testosterone will increase and be balanced. So how to control it?


It might not seem so realistic from a pessimistic perspective, but realistically, this is the core of the subconscious mind. More accurately, it is the reason of subconscious mind's existence. After all, how does even this reaction happen in the brain?

Amygdala is a very small part located inside of the limbic system, which is responsible for memory, emotions and decision making. This part is the main trigger of the emotional responses that drives humans forward(Gain Pleasure) or pulls them back(Avoid Pain). Well, it can not be said that it is the only part that is responsible for the primitive reactions, because brain is a very complex structure that has several parts being active in the similar circumstances. In the case of survival reaction; nucleus accumbens, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex are the other parts that creates emotions.


Hopefully, at this moment, it is obvious how significant survival reaction is and probability is high that most readers can guess how it can be controlled. It can be controlled by doing an exercise daily which can shift an average person neurologically and biologically under eight weeks, making him/her more charismatic socially and much more powerful in the business world. This exercise is proven itself with its thousands of years of past and more than a hundred researches. It is Meditation.

Meditation is proven for shrinking the amygdala physically; enlarging the hippocampus which is responsible for long term memory and increasing the grey matter in prefrontal cortex which is responsible for intellectual thinking and decision making. This clearly explains why meditation has so many benefits.

If you want to learn another way to shrink your amygdala and control your mind, read -> "How to Deal With Your Past? EFT - Part 1"

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        Ufuk Altan, founder of, was born in 1996, in Istanbul. Besides blogging, wrote screenplays, acted in short films, theaters and commercials, taught martial arts as a first degree black belt in kung fu and also specialized in meditation for the past three years. Worked as a personal trainer in United States and, currently, studies industrial engineering in Bahcesehir University. In the upcoming years, will be studying cognitive neuropsychology for his PhD and keep working as a screenwriter, an actor and a martial artist. 
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