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How to Meditate For Beginners?

Meditation becomes more and more popular every single day. Well, it is still hard to turn it into a habit for most people but it becomes more renowned as its benefits keep revealing. This article will explain how to start meditating and what to keep in mind while practicing it. If you are not a beginner, probably this article isn't for you.

Meditation is known as an exercise for mind that reduces stress and increases focus. Fortunately, that is not more than an oversimplification. Meditation is a mental exercise that can be applied in order to control the survival reaction.

So how to meditate?


Meditation could be done anywhere since it is not a physical exercise. Sitting on a chair or on the ground, laying on the bed, in a bus or in a park. It is recommended to start in a quite and especially non-distracting place because it requires abundant amount of focus. It can be done both eyes closed or eyes opened. For beginners, starting with eyes closed is highly urged and also laying on a bed during meditation causes most people to oversleep.


So what to do during meditation? Meditation is not just a way of eliminating stress, it is a routine that establishes a path between conscious and subconscious minds. This could be an indication that presents what is done during meditation. What is done is an activity of both conscious and subconscious minds. Which means practicing an automatic action(Subconscious Mind) with highly present state of mind(Conscious Mind) is a method for getting into the core of the human brain. Walking could be an example for this since people never have to consciously think about doing it. It happens automatically.

Mindfulness Meditation is known as the most taught and common meditation type which is done by being aware of the BREATH. Breathing is mostly an activity done automatically. No living creature has to do it consciously. That is why it is a perfect way to train the mind.

Put a timer on for 5 to 10 minutes(for beginners) and start focusing on inhales, exhales and little pausing moment between them. Most people will find out how difficult it is to concentrate on one simple activity. Which is completely normal. Do not judge it or complain about it, just observe it. Over time it will become easier and easier.

Upcoming articles will explain the common meditation mistakes people face and how to overcome them. Hope that was helpful!!!

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        Ufuk Altan, founder of, was born in 1996, in Istanbul. Besides blogging, wrote screenplays, acted in short films, theaters and commercials, taught martial arts as a first degree black belt in kung fu and also specialized in meditation for the past three years. Worked as a personal trainer in United States and, currently, studies industrial engineering in Bahcesehir University. In the upcoming years, will be studying cognitive neuropsychology for his PhD and keep working as a screenwriter, an actor and a martial artist. 
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