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8 Prominent Factors to Enhance Training Efficiency

The most frequent thing of the gyms is complaints of the people for not getting the results at the predicted time. Their coaches or personal trainers make a promise to them that they will get a specific level in a specific amount of time and it is, in fact, a reasonable goal once the measurements are analyzed. However, people still can not achieve what they have determined. Is it a result of not being disciplined enough or not having an appropriate diet? Could be, which is the reality for most of the time. But how about the ones who follow the required schedules and hold their mouths when they encounter a delicious cheesecake in order not to postpone their dream of getting in shape for some day? Something is wrong, evidently. Just like almost EVERY person I observe in the gyms. So what is wrong. Here is a list of known and unknown ways people successfully and, most of the time, unconsciously sabotage themselves and their ambitiously planned routines.

The Grip

I am wondering how many people have pain on their forearms while doing pull ups and biceps curls or having cramps on their legs while doing crunches. It is a natural thing and I don't think there is an unbelievable way for avoiding it completely. However, grabbing the dumbbells or the pull up bar too tightly, which is the usual case if you try to lift heavier weights, is one of the most common and convincing ways to pull you away from where you want to get. After weeks of work out, you realize that your abs did not get to a level you always dreamed of when your legs doing all the work or, in the same way, biceps don't get to a satisfying size as long as the forearms keep the tension. Just try to release your grips as much as possible. Grips are only for ensuring a balance not for an efficient training unless you don't want to train your forearm muscles.

Don't Pause

Wow. Just read the whole paragraph before making up anything in your mind. It is a common sense, valuable and beneficial advice, pausing between the sets for 30-45 seconds. I am completely agree with that. Pausing provides space to muscle tissues which is a support for them during the recovery process and beyond, until it is out of line. Pausing for a long amount of time looks more relaxing especially if you have a work out friend who keeps you busy between your sets. If exaggerated amount of time is wasted during breaks, brain starts adapting to the new way of body's slow actions which induces it to become exhausted and you to become distracted. Pausing gap must be controlled!

Training Method

A very obvious one. There are many different methods like explosive strength, isometric holds or endurance training. If you desire muscle mass, you need to get heavier weights, do fever and slower reps in your work outs, for instance. Determine your goal first, then apply for assistance if you need to.


Focusing on a particular body part can cause the brain to guide the blood flow to its new path as a survival reaction. Things that are taken too seriously is a sign for subconscious mind to react to it as it is a dangerous situation. When the trained area is under constant focus it tends to get more blood flow which eventually brings more pain and as a result, gains. This might explain why people get injuries on their necks while doing squads as a result of a false action.

Warm Up

Imagine a car engine which you turn on in -10 degrees of weather and just speed up without waiting for a single second before it is heated. What happens? Nothing happens at the moment but repeating that for some time leads its flywheels to destruction as they tear each other apart. It would not be a surprise if muscle tissues are harmed without a warm up at the beginning of a training. Moreover, warming up boosts the speed of blood flow throughout the body and thanks to the blood flow muscles can work more efficiently and be developed faster.

Tension Line

When you lift all the way up your bar in the bench press or put it all the way down, you would realize your body tends to relax at the top and bottom of the movement. All exercises have a line which they are tensed up during the progress. Being aware of the tension line can increase the benefits of the exercises and save time.


People tend to choose the dumbbells that are way heavier than their strength levels which definitely won't help them for correct exercise movement. Lifting heavier weights might seem as an impressive demonstration to people around you and can make you feel more powerful. However, it will ruin the angle of the movement and angle of the movement is the origin of the exercise. Because it defines which muscles will tense up.

Sharpen the Axe

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."

Abraham Lincoln

Well, prepare the tools, weapons or whatever is necessary before work outs. Training program, nutrition, required water, etc. If your goal is to burn more calories or lose weight start by increasing the metabolism first. Likewise, boost testosterone levels before deciding to start a muscle mass increasing training program. Develop the background before taking the action.

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        Ufuk Altan, founder of, was born in 1996, in Istanbul. Besides blogging, wrote screenplays, acted in short films, theaters and commercials, taught martial arts as a first degree black belt in kung fu and also specialized in meditation for the past three years. Worked as a personal trainer in United States and, currently, studies industrial engineering in Bahcesehir University. In the upcoming years, will be studying cognitive neuropsychology for his PhD and keep working as a screenwriter, an actor and a martial artist. 
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